Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Jordan Atkins Unit 3 Evaluation

Media Unit 3 Evaluation

In unit 3 my group created a magazine about technology called TechIt, the magazine includes pages about cameras, the new and best technology and tech vs tech.
Strengths and weaknesses  
Our strengths were that rob has good experience with photoshop so our front cover looks good because of the experience rob has with using the program. Another strength that our group has is that i know a lot about cameras so i could take the photos and make our camera page detailed. Another strength that our group has is that ashley is good at writing so our written work was good because ash did it. These strengths made our media 3 work better because we worked as a group but the strengths also helped for when we had to work independently.

Our group also had some weaknesses, some of the weaknesses were that we sometimes we did not agree on some of the things that we wanted to do which made our work slow down for all of the group because we could not agree what to do.  Another weakness that we have is that we talked a lot but not about the work so that also slowed the group work down. Another weakness that we had was that i am not as good with photoshop so it took me a bit longer to finish my work.

Finished Product
The magazine is called Techit. It is about the best technology and the newly released technology. There is a lot of pages in the magazine which are all good and keep the same colours and backgrounds.The pages that we made for the magazine are the front page, contents page, a double page spread on cameras, tech vs tech page and a top 4 gadgets page. To make the pages we mainly used photoshop but we also used cinema 4d to make a font. We got most of our images from the internet but we also used a camera to take a picture of josh.

We had 3 meetings throughout the production of making the magazine to decide what we were going to do and to see what the other members of the group are doing to their pages. The meetings helped make the magazine because we changed some of our ideas which i think has made the magazine better. The planning that we had was a plan of the front cover page and we planned what equipment we would be using and what potential hazards there may be. We also did a page for our entire plan which included all the pages that we were going to
do some of it  has changed from the plan but most of it has stayed the same.

Range of Techniques
Techniques that me and my group used was to use hd render so we could render the masterhead into photoshop. We also used light rays and light strokes on the masterhead we used them because it made the masterhead look more detailed. Another technique that the group used was to put drop shadows on some of the shapes used so it looked better. Another technique that we used was to crop pictures so it looked better and more professional and because we cropped the images we were able to have more information and images on a page like the contents page.

Legal and Ethical issues
The product that we have created is libel so all the information about the different products in the magazine is true and is not false so this will make the magazine have a good reputation of being a honest magazine so it would attract more customers to buy the magazine. When we compared two different products we were not bias so it was a fair comparison of the two products.